Easter Time Egg Questions

Easter is almost here!  What a fun time coloring and decorating hard-boiled eggs with friends and family.

Easter Eggs

But have you ever wondered about how to safely handle your hard-boiled eggs? Below are some of the top questions I get asked during the ServSafe Manager Training.

How can eggs make you sick?

The pathogen of concern is Salmonella.  Salmonella (nontyphoidal) is the number 2 pathogen that causes foodborne illness in the US and the number 1 that causes hospitalization and death.  The CDC estimates over 1 million illnesses a year.  79,000 of those come from of Salmonella Enteritidis which comes directly from improperly handled eggs.  People that are infected will usually become ill 12-72 hours after consuming the bacteria.  Symptoms include diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps and vomiting.  People with weakened immune systems are at a greater risk.

How does Salmonella affect a regular shell egg?

The bacteria is carried in the fecal matter of the hen.  It can be introduced to the egg shell when the hen is laying the egg.  The bacteria can enter through the porous shell of the egg.  The Salmonella Enteritidis can also be introduced to the egg before the shell is formed in the intestinal track of the hen.

Why are raw eggs in some countries not refrigerated?

The production process is different in the US from European countries, because of this the USDA requires producers to wash and sanitize the egg before selling.  This creates an environment where air and bacteria can more easily pass through the shell. Therefore, temperature control is required.

Do hard-boiled eggs need to be refrigerated? 

The CDC, USDA, Egg Board and FDA consumer guidelines all agree after an egg is hard-boiled the surface even more porous.  The recommendation is that eggs be refrigerated at 40°F or below for no more than 7 days.  The only source of information that is different is the FDA food code for retail food establishments.  Raw shell eggs can be stored at 45°F or below.  Water cooled eggs must be stored at 41°F or below and as stated in Annex 3 Public Health Reason / Administrative guidelines 3-501.14, air cooled eggs are no longer a TCS food.

“Hard-boiled eggs with shell intact may be cooled in ambient air and are not considered to be a time/temperature control for safety food after cooling. Hard-boiled eggs may be cooled in drinking water but are considered to be a time/temperature control for safety food after cooling because pathogens, which may be present in the water, may pass through the egg shell during cooling”

Should you eat eggs that have been used for hiding?

Yes and No.  As long as the egg has not been left at room temperature for more than 2 hours and the egg is washed off before placing back in refrigeration you should be safe.  However, it would be safer to use other items like plastic reusable eggs for hiding.

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Baltimore City sewage and the Chesapeake Bay watershed

Chesapeake Bay BridgeRaw sewage is flowing into our streams and rivers and eventually to the Chesapeake Bay.  Where is this sewage coming from?  A key source is an antiquated storm water and sewage system for Baltimore City.  In 2002 the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) sued Baltimore City and an original consent degree to correct overflow of raw sewage was filed.  There was a 2016 deadline for Baltimore City to correct existing problems.  Although some progress was made, the deadline passed and there were still sever deficiencies.  A modified decree was approved October 6, 2017 that extended the time allowed to correct problems.  It is broken down in two Phases.  First phase must be completed by 2021 and second phase by 2030.

During the first phase 83% of the sanitary sewage overflows are to be corrected.  Baltimore City takes in over 250 million gallons of water a day and sometimes the system can not handle the load.  The happens especially during wet conditions.  To make matters worse, built into the system are intentional overflow structures.  They are called Sanitary Sewage Overflow (SSO)Structures.  They are “vents” for the system.   When the system was developed in the early 1900’s it was considered state of the art.  However, in today’s standards it is substandard way of handling excessive amounts of storm and sewage water.

Many of these SSO structures have been eliminated.  However, there are still 12 currently identified in the latest report1 from the city.

Here are some staggering numbers.  In the 4th quarter of 2018 over 9.7 million gallons of water containing sewage entered the watershed from sanitary sewer overflows.  However, the numbers from the SSO structures are alarming.  Over 56 Million gallons of water containing raw sewage entered the watershed! This typically occurs during heavy rains.

Discharged water can contain harmful pathogens that can cause illness. When humans come in contact with contaminated water they should thoroughly wash the area with soap and water.  When purchasing shellfish, make sure they are coming from an approved source. Pathogens like Norovirus or Hepatitis A can be in shellfish we consume. You can contract these viruses regardless if the shellfish is cooked. Always ask your seafood retailer to see the shell stock tags.  They show the area the shellfish were taken from.  If they do not have a shell stock tag – DO NOT PURCHASE.  It is required by health department law that the tag be with the product until it is sold.

Chemical toxins are a concern as well.  During heavy rains ground water that contains pesticides and other chemicals enters the storm water system then that water could be released from SSO structures at streams and rivers.  Pharmaceuticals that are flushed in toilets have been found in water from SSO.

Chemical toxins can accumulate in older fish and especially in bottom feeders affecting the health of humans.  The mustard in crabs caught in certain waters should be avoided.  View the Maryland Fish Consumption Advisory report located here: https://mde.maryland.gov/programs/Marylander/fishandshellfish/Pages/fishconsumptionadvisory.aspx

Sewage and run off should concern everyone that enjoys the bay.  Whether it is for swimming, recreational or commercial fishing, or just enjoying the wonderful views and wildlife that it gives us.  Help support a healthy system by not flushing anything that could clog the pipes like feminine products or “flushable” wipes.  Do not put anything down as drain that could harm the system, including fats oils and grease (FOG), pharmaceuticals, old paint, chemicals or anything that you would not want in the bay.
