Training your staff in the four keys to food safety is the best thing you can do for your business. There are many reasons why it is so important to train all your staff in good food safety practices. First and foremost you do not want to get anyone sick. But, there are also financial concerns such as product loss and customer satisfaction to consider as well. Let’s review some of the key points.

Good Personal Hygiene
- Washing hands when changing tasks.
- Wearing clean uniforms.
- Changing and handling aprons appropriately.
- Keeping finger nails trimmed.
- Having hair restrained.
- Not working when having diarrhea or vomiting.
Avoiding Cross Contamination
- Properly storing food in the refrigerator and freezer
- Having a good work flow
- Using different colored cutting boards
Proper cleaning and sanitizing
- Using an effective sanitizer.
- Using a three bucket system for cleaning and sanitizing food contact surfaces.
- Cleaning and Sanitizing when required.
- Handling chemicals safely.
Avoiding time and temperature abuse
- Using correct and calibrated recording devises.
- Knowing correct cooking temperatures
- Understanding proper thawing, reheating, hot holding and cooling techniques.
When your staff understands proper procedures your customers will notice and so will your bottom line! Contact Sue today at 410-382-4325 to arrange for a food handler training at your facility.