A few of my top food safety tips for keeping your food safe.
Most likely during this extended weekend you will host or be invited to a party. Here are some simple prevention tips for having a wonderful and food safe holiday:
- If you don’t own a stem thermometer, purchase one. Most grocery stores carry them for $4-6 dollars.
- Wash hands scrubbing for 15 seconds and do it often. Provide your guests with a hand-washing station. Liquid soap and large drink jug like an ice tea / lemonade container, with a stay-on valve at the bottom filled with water is perfect.
- Produce is commonly linked to E Coli and Salmonella as well as other bacteria. Wash all produce in slightly warmer water than temperature of produce before prepping and cutting.
- Store all cold at 41 degrees or below.
- During service the following foods need special attention since they are perfect for bacterial growth, therefore you should keep on ice and under 70 degrees and no more than 6 hours :
- Cut greens, cut tomatoes and cut melons.
- Salads make with pasta, potatoes and seafood.
- Salsas, add extra lime since bacteria do not like acidic conditions.
- Keep hot food hot. 135 degrees or above.
- Quickly refrigerate foods after service.
- Know your minimum temperatures:
- Steaks, Pork, Seafood 145 Degrees
- Ground Beef or Ground Pork 155 Degrees
- All Poultry 165 Degrees
- Use a scoop or tongs for beverage ice. Hands should never be used. It is reported that 30-50% of healthy humans have Staphylococcus aureus in their nose